The Master and Wardens 2024-25
The Worshipful Company of Butchers is proud of the fact that the vast majority of its members are, or have been, actively engaged in or associated with the meat industry. The Company will also consider admitting those having appropriate connections.
The management of the Company is undertaken by the Court, comprising the Master, 5 Wardens and 15 Assistants, one of which is the Renter Assistant, which meets monthly to discuss and agree the business strategy and operations.
Nominations for these positions are made by the Master and Deputy Master and are made known to the Livery at the announcement of Common Hall.
At the first Court Meeting following Common Hall and the election of a new Master, the newly appointed Court meets and the Master appoints his Deputy, the Renter Assistant and the Providitor. The appointment of committee members, who manage the detailed planning and implementation of our business, is undertaken at this time.
The time taken from admission to the Livery to consideration for membership of the Court is currently 13 years.
The Master
John Allton Jones
The Deputy Master
Renter Assistant
Peter Allen
Steve Chick
Tim Stone
Tony Stanton
Jim Connell
Assistants 2024 - 2025
- Timothy Peter Dumenil
- Margaret Andrea Boanas
- Andrew William Parker
- Christopher Frank Wood
- Gwyn Howells
- Paul Dolan
- William Edwin Buchanan
- Amanda Patricia Buitelaar
- WIlliam Thurston
- Peter David Wright
- Peter Geoffrey Wood
- Stuart Francis Roberts
- Jason Karl Aldiss
- Michael Peter Attwood
- Mark Jonathan Winston
The WCB staff and other official appointments
The Acting Clerk of the Company is responsible to the Master and Court and oversees the day-to-day management of Company, the supervision of the administrative staff and Hallkeepers.
The Honorary Chaplain, Rev'd Father Marcus Walker, is appointed by the Master and is also the Chaplain of our affiliated church, St Bartholomew the Great.