The latest news about and from the Worshipful Company of Butchers

Butchers "Coming Home"

Published on: 1 July 2019

Bookings are now open for Liverymen of the Worshipful Company of Butchers “coming home” to newly refurbished Butchers’ Hall for the first Court Lunch on Friday 6th September.

Following a complete refurbishment the Hall reopens with several new and improved features while retaining the charm, atmosphere and fellowship of which the Butchers’ Company is justly proud.

A new roof garden, able to host 80 guests is an addition to the City skyline; enlarged Court Rooms can seat 120 diners while the Great Hall, with its magnificent Vestey Tapestry retains its magnificent grandeur and style.

The facilities, the Butchers’ Hall reputation for top class fare together with an enhanced AV system throughout provide a top class, versatile, conference venue for approaching 300 delegates.

Fully redesigned and refurbished basement kitchens feature a state of the art meat ageing room, unique in a City of London Livery Hall, and designed to enhance and develop the reputation of the Butchers’ Livery Company.

Come one, come all!

flag outside hall