The latest news about and from the Worshipful Company of Butchers

Halal Meat is a Choice cut

Published on: 17 February 2023

Dr Awal Fuseini, Senior Halal Sector Meat Manager for the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), joined Liveryman Dr Claire White for the Choice Cuts 7 webinar at 6pm on Monday 13th February 2023.

The Choice Cuts webinars are a series of online events organised as part of The Worshipful Company of Butchers' Young Butchers virtual event programme.

The topic for Choice Cuts 7 was:

Halal Meat : Opportunities and Challenges

The Halal market is one of the fastest growing segments of the UK meat industry, which has attracted the attention of major retailers such as Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Morrisons and others.

Dr Awal Fuseini was keen to explain what this means to the meat industry and hoped to help everyone understand the significance of this very important emerging market.

Watch the video below for a fascinating discussion about the Halal meat market, it is an eye-opener!

Thank you to Awal and Claire for their part in hosting this webinar and to Liveryman Professor Jude Capper for stepping in to host at the beginning. Thanks also to Liveryman Bob Bansback OBE, who with Claire and Jude, made this webinar possible.

SAVE THE DATE for Choice Cuts 8, which will take place on Tuesday 18th April. Watch out for further details.